The North Carolina Democrats held their state convention in Jamestown on June 1, 2024. The convention was conducted as a hybrid event with both live and remote participants. Those delegates who joined the convention remotely were able to participate in floor debates and voting.
Led by state Democratic Chair Anderson Clayton, the officers and staff of the Democratic Party were busy on stage and behind the scenes to conduct all of the business required to be prepared for the national convention in August and the election in November.
As expected, the technical challenges of the hybrid convention created a few slowdowns in the convention, but this provided impromptu opportunities for networking and conversations with candidates for office. Time well spent!
As part of the program, candidates who addressed the convention were Wesley Harris, NC Treasurer; Braxton Winston, Commissioner of Labor; incumbent Elaine Marshall, Secretary of State; Mo Green, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Natasha Marcus, Commissioner of Insurance; Jessica Holmes, Auditor; incumbent Allison Riggs, NC Supreme Court Associate Justice; Ed Eldred, Appeals Judge; and Martin Moore, Appeals Judge.
Democratic delegates were also treated to rousing speeches by Congresswoman Alma Adams, and NC Supreme Court Justice Anita Earles.
Onward and upward!